Thursday, 28 August 2008

Back to school!

Wednesday and Thursday we have been working at St Paul's Methodist College, picking litter, clearing broken concrete slabs (hurricane damage) and relaying slabs. We also swept, hosed and painted the main pathway into the school. The team suffered in the heat. Unlike our similar work in Andros, we were in direct sunshine and working longer hours. We all struggled with the heat and are pleased that we are onto different work tomorrow. We have to say though that we did a good job. "What a difference it makes' we heard as people admired our work. Great I thought, we had come wanting to make a difference and here we were hearing people comment on it. It was very encouraging.

Wed night we attended different prayer meetings, depending on the church that our home stay hosts attend.

Tonight (Thurs night) we are sewing in a craft session, making things _ I realised I might be ruinging surprises if I say any more at this stage! Our thanks tpo Sister Dorothy Goldsmith and Sister Martha, for their patience, teaching and encouragement. The lesson was meant to finish at 7.30pm and here we still are at just after 9pm still sewing!

Our very great excitement tonight is that tomorrow afternoon we are going to watch the dolphins. Swimming with the dolphins is not possible for insurance reasons, however, our kind hosts have managed to organise a visit for us. The wild dolphins are trained to come into the area where we will be standing and viewing. Everyone is very excited. Hopefully we can get online tomorrow night and tell you all about it.

Future plans include conducting and sharing the sunday services, helping with Urban renewal in their surveys of abandoned cars, visiting an Old Folks Home, Prayer and Fasting on Saturday morning and time with the young people here in a social event. So much more to do. The Lord continues to bless us richly.


1 comment:

Chris Jones said...

Action packed, as ever! You will be shadows of your former selves when we see you later this week. Hope the dolphins were wonderful, thinking of you on your last Sunday together. Had wondered about the storms. Rain continues here - you might need thermal vests to cope with the transition.

Enjoy these last few days, take care, with love, Chris Jones