Saturday, 16 August 2008

Chill Out Day!?

Friday 15th August
So today was meant to be a rest day (HA!).
We met at Rev. Sykes office and agreed to change monies, post postcards (expect them within 7-10 working days) and meet at the Houses of Parliament at 11am.
When it was apparent that changing money on a friday just wasnt going to happen we decided to focus on post office duties and do money later in the day!
We visited the Houses of Parliament and were given a tour by the Chief Clark Mr Tynes. It was a very interesting and informative morning, we even got to have a gander at the Senate meeting room (never open to the public) and it was great to think that is where royals open sessions and we were in the same room!
We then had an amazing meeting with the British High Comissioner Mr Peter Young, the main man who will get people home if they get in trouble but that aint us. He was brilliant to talk and listen to, he had great insight into the inner workings of the Bahamas, the importance and priviledge of cultural exchanges and what we can learn from them. He really encouraged all the team to continue to learn from other cultures and the doors this experience will open for them in their future!
We then had a second attempt at banking and were successful! Had lunch on Bay St, even some experience of Conch Salad. Then back to Wesley for Vacation Bible School Prep in Andros next week. The theme is B.I.B.L.E Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth, what the bible teaches us and why it is a useful tool.
Our last meal with the folks at Wesley and a little emotional for some of the team and hosts.
We then went home to pack and get an early night (again with the HA!)
So quite a good 'rest day'.


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